Visitor Information

The main activities take place in the historic Main Building at ETH Centre, while the Technical Tour occurs in Campus Hoenggerberg. An ETH shuttle bus connects the two locations in regular intervals.  

The workshop is held in the main capus of ETH Zürich, in the historic main building HG (Hauptgebäude). The ETH Zurich Zentrum campus not only embodies the university’s traditional roots but is also a lively centre for socialising and study.

Workshop Venue

The technical tour will take place at ETH Zurich's ETH Hönggerberg, built in 1961, which is located in the north of the city in a rural setting on the Hönggerberg. Instructions will be offered on site for boarding the dedicates buses, which will depart from the main campus on Tuesday after lunch to reach the technical Tour venue.

Technical Tour Venue

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